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Master your mind, body, and spirit with Matt Belair and world-renowned leaders today! This unique show features candid conversations with experts in personal development, spirituality, and human optimization. Each episode is another key to help you unlock your infinite potential and assist you on your path to self-mastery!

You will discover the best tips, tools, and technologies to master your mind; plus the science, principles, and practices to master your body. Finally, you will dive into the deepest depths of yourself, life, the universe and the pursuit of discovering who you really are, and consciously creating the life of your dreams!

Explore timeless spiritual lessons and ancient teachings. Let go of any limitations and discover all of the tools to dramatically improve your health, well-being, and mindset!

Feb 7, 2023

Humble the Poet is the author of the new book HOW TO BE LOVE(d): Simple Truths For Going Easier On Yourself, Embracing Imperfection & Loving Your Way To A Better Life.


He is also a rapper, artist, and best selling spoken word Poet.


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Show Notes:


Today’s guest is a Canadian-born rapper, spoken-word artist, poet, international bestselling author, and former elementary school teacher.


What began as reciting spoken word poetry in coffee shops to impress girls evolved into a creative adventure that has spanned the last 10 years; crossing genres, mediums and oceans.


His first two releases UNLEARN & THINGS NOBODY CAN TEACH US have become international bestsellers.


He is the author of the new book HOW TO BE LOVE(d): Simple Truths For Going Easier On Yourself, Embracing Imperfection & Loving Your Way To A Better Life



The process of unlearning

What is love?

Love and Ego won’t hold hands

A deep dive on self-love

Self-care vs self love

Why people struggle to have self love

Be kind to your inner critic

Loving yourself is knowing who you are

The power of journaling and prayer

Why negative emotions and thoughts keep you alive

Understanding why the inner critic is there

What courage really is

The work of Michael Singer

The Kybalion and the spectrum of emotion

The biggest key of self-awareness




If you like the show please share, do an act of kindness, and become a patron here THANK YOU!


About Me:


Master your mind, body, and spirit with Matt Belair and world-renowned leaders today! This unique show features candid conversations with experts in personal development, spirituality, and human optimization. Each episode is another key to help you unlock your infinite potential and assist you on your path to self-mastery!


You will discover the best tips, tools, and technologies to master your mind; plus the science, principles, and practices to master your body. Finally, you will dive into the deepest depths of yourself, life, the universe and the pursuit of discovering who you really are, and consciously creating the life of your dreams!


Explore timeless spiritual lessons and ancient teachings. Let go of any limitations and discover all of the tools to dramatically improve your health, well-being, and mindset!


May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste πŸ™


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speaking, media and consulting inquiries contact me.


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