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Master your mind, body, and spirit with Matt Belair and world-renowned leaders today! This unique show features candid conversations with experts in personal development, spirituality, and human optimization. Each episode is another key to help you unlock your infinite potential and assist you on your path to self-mastery!

You will discover the best tips, tools, and technologies to master your mind; plus the science, principles, and practices to master your body. Finally, you will dive into the deepest depths of yourself, life, the universe and the pursuit of discovering who you really are, and consciously creating the life of your dreams!

Explore timeless spiritual lessons and ancient teachings. Let go of any limitations and discover all of the tools to dramatically improve your health, well-being, and mindset!

Jun 9, 2021

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He began his experience in life sciences after being told by his Mother that she had been diagnosed with osteoporosis.


In an effort to help his mother he created a device to safely cause osteogenic loading events.


The device was to trigger the effects of high-impact loading, but without the risk of injury.


His device has now helped over 30,000 individuals with their bone health.


He is the author of Why Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time and So is Cardio and the inventor of the X3 Bar.


Welcome to the show Dr. John Jake-Wish


The invention of the Osteo Strong

How we are 70% stronger in impact ready ranges


Pavel Tsatsouline’s training

Kettlebell vs X3

The endorsement of the Miami Heat

How to train for strength

How to train safely

The two greatest drivers of long life

Dunn and Kruger study




If you like the show please share, do an act of kindness, and become a patron here THANK YOU!


About Me:


Master your mind, body, and spirit with Matt Belair and world-renowned leaders today! This unique show features candid conversations with experts in personal development, spirituality, and human optimization. Each episode is another key to help you unlock your infinite potential and assist you on your path to self-mastery!


You will discover the best tips, tools, and technologies to master your mind; plus the science, principles, and practices to master your body. Finally, you will dive into the deepest depths of yourself, life, the universe and the pursuit of discovering who you really are, and consciously creating the life of your dreams!


Explore timeless spiritual lessons and ancient teachings. Let go of any limitations and discover all of the tools to dramatically improve your health, well-being, and mindset!


May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste πŸ™


πŸ‘‰ For top rated video podcast, coaching,

speaking, media and consulting inquiries contact me.


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